Static struct initialization syntax behavior & it being disabled upon adding a constructor

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Mon Apr 18 00:35:13 UTC 2022

On 4/17/22 08:13, HuskyNator wrote:

 > - 1: Why does `m` initialization behave as if `m[0][]=1` and `m[1][]=2`
 > were used? (Shouldn't this code result in an error instead?)

That's pretty weird. I think it boils down to scalar assignment to an 
array being valid:

void main() {
   int[3] arr;
   arr = 42;    // Feature? (Yes.)

   import std.algorithm : all;
   assert(arr[].all!(e => e == 42));

So, in the end, each element of your argument array gets assigned to 
each element of member array. Makes sense (to me :) )...

I think the initialization of 'n' is more straightforward.

 > - 2: Why does adding a constructor to a struct disable the use of the
 > static initialization syntax?

I am not sure how to answer this question because I am about to say 
don't use the static initialization syntax. :/ To me, idiomatic way of 
constructing D objects is

   auto m = Mat!2([1,2]);

The reason why one cannot define a default constructor for a D struct is 
because every type in D must have a statically known .init value. A 
user-defined default constructor could not be known at compile time.

 > it now requires me to
 > write additional constructors, as soon as I want to add 1.

I don't see it as a big problem in practice. As soon as I need to add a 
constructor, the default behavior of setting members to arguments seems 
out of place. Either the one constructor is sufficient or write at most 
another one at most.

 > the commonly suggested workarounds (using `opCall`) seems
 > rather inelegant to me.

Agreed. And static opCall() is not usable in all cases as it somehow 
conflicts in some cases. (Don't remember now.)

 > Why is this possible in C++ in contrast?

C++ does not insist that all types have a statically known .init value. 
If I'm not mistaken, the part about disabling certain constructors, move 
or otherwise, is commonly accepted in C++ as well.

Really, compared to C++, the amount of constructor, destructor, copy 
constructor, etc. that I do *not* write in D is very liberating to me. 
It feels like I just write what is needed and it mostly just works.


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