Obscure Isssue #1

Ruby The Roobster rubytheroobster at yandex.com
Fri Aug 5 13:56:40 UTC 2022

My code (as seen below) is failing due to a single line.

That line is:
this.ival += (this.val * rhs.ival);

I kid you not, this is the reason why running unittests results 
in a program that just hangs.  And no, replacing unittest with 
void main() doesn't fix the problem.

module dutils.math.number;



public import dutils.math.core;
public import std.bigint;

class Number : Mtype!NumberContainer
     this(NumberContainer num)
         this.contained = val;

     override dstring toDstring() const @property pure @safe
         return this.contained.toDstring;

     override void fromDstring(dstring from) pure @safe

     bool applyOp(W)(dstring op, Mtype!W rhs) pure @safe
         assert(is(W == NumberContainer));
         assert((op == "+"d) ^ (op == "-"d) ^ (op == "*"d) ^ (op 
== "/"d) ^ (op == "^^"d));
         mixin("this.contained " ~ op ~ "= rhs.contained;");
         return true; //We assume that the contract hasn't been 

struct NumberContainer
     this(BigInt val, BigInt ival = 0, long pow10 = 0, ulong 
precision = 18) pure @safe nothrow @nogc
         this.val = val;
         this.pow10 = pow10;
         this.ival = ival;
         this.precision = precision;

     dstring toDstring() const @property pure @safe
         return ""d; //Placeholder

     void fromDstring(dstring from) pure @safe

     void opOpAssign(string op)(NumberContainer rhs) pure @safe
         import std.algorithm : max;
         if(op == "/") //This section is where the line that hangs 
leads us to.
             //Because BigInt is strictly an integer type, it is 
easier to code A/B as A*1/B, because the * operator is a piece of 
cake, and 1 over a BigInt is easier than an arbitrary BigInt
             //over another arbitrary BigInt
             immutable BigInt den = rhs.val ^^ 2 + rhs.ival ^^ 2;
             NumberContainer store = 
             auto istore = store;
             long count = 0;
             ubyte count2 = 9;
             rhs *= NumberContainer(rhs.val, -rhs.ival, rhs.pow10, 
rhs.precision); //This line leads directly to the cause of hang.
             for(ulong i = 0; i < precision; ++i) //Real part
                 if(rhs.val == BigInt(0))
                 //Play around with the multiplier so the 
denominator actually fits in the numerator.
                 while(den > (BigInt(10) ^^ count) * rhs.val)
                 //Remove excess.
                 while(den < (BigInt(10) ^^ (count - 1L) * 

                 for(; count2 * den > (BigInt(10) ^^ count) * 
rhs.val; --count2)
                         if(count2 < -9) //Remember, negative 
numbers exist too!
                             throw new Exception("ERROR: Division 
by 0");

                 rhs.val *= (BigInt(10) ^^ count); //`rhs` is a 
copy, so this isn't an issue.
                 rhs.val -= count2 * den; //Continue performing 
long division.
                 store.val *= 10;
                 store.val += count2;
                 store.pow10 -= count;

                 count = 0;
                 count2 = 9;

             this.val *= store.val;
             this.pow10 = store.pow10;

             for(ulong i = 0; i < precision; ++i) //Imaginary part.
                 if(rhs.ival == BigInt(0))
                 while(den > (BigInt(10) ^^ count) * rhs.ival)
                 //Remove excess.
                 while(den < (BigInt(10) ^^ (count - 1L) * 

                 for(; count2 * den > (BigInt(10) ^^ count) * 
rhs.ival; --count2)
                         if(count2 < -9) //Remember, negative 
numbers exist too!
                             throw new Exception("ERROR: Division 
by 0");

                 rhs.ival *= (BigInt(10) ^^ count); //`rhs` is a 
copy, so this isn't an issue.
                 rhs.ival -= count2 * den; //Continue performing 
long division.
                 istore.ival *= 10;
                 istore.ival += count2;
                 istore.pow10 -= count;

                 count = 0;
                 count2 = 9;
             import std.algorithm : min, max;
             this.ival *= istore.ival;
             this.pow10 = min(store.pow10, istore.pow10);
             if(store.pow10 > istore.pow10)
                 this.val *= BigInt(10) ^^ (store.pow10 - 
                 this.ival *= BigInt(10) ^^ (max(store.pow10, 
istore.pow10) - store.pow10);
         else if(op == "^^")
             //Oy Vey

         else if(op == "*")
             this.val *= rhs.val;
             this.val -= (this.ival + rhs.ival);
             this.ival = (this.ival * rhs.val);
             this.pow10 += rhs.pow10;
             this.ival += (this.val * rhs.ival); //This line 
solely causes the hang.  I kid you not.
             if(this.pow10 > rhs.pow10)
                 this.val *= BigInt(10) ^^ (this.pow10 - 
                 this.ival *= BigInt(10) ^^ (this.pow10 - 
             else if(rhs.pow10 > this.pow10)
                 rhs.val *= BigInt(10) ^^ (rhs.pow10 - this.pow10);
                 rhs.ival *= BigInt(10) ^^ (rhs.pow10 - 
             this.pow10 = rhs.pow10;
             this.val += rhs.val;
             this.ival += rhs.ival;

     NumberContainer opBinary(string op)(NumberContainer rhs) pure 
         NumberContainer ret = this;
         mixin("ret " ~ op ~ " rhs;");
         return ret;
         BigInt val;
         BigInt ival;
         long pow10;
         ulong precision;

unittest {
     BigInt a = 1;
     BigInt b = 1;
     long c = 0;
     NumberContainer e = NumberContainer(a,b,c);
     a = 2;
     NumberContainer f = NumberContainer(a,b,c);
     e /= f; //This is the line that causes the hang.
     import std.format;
     assert((e).val == 6 && (e).pow10 == -1, format("%d", 
e.val).dup ~ format("%d", e.ival));

Funnily enough, if you simplify the module down to the following:

import std.bigint;
unittest ()
   import std.conv : to;
   S a = S(BigInt(1),BigInt(2),3);
   a *= S(a.val, -a.ival, a.pow10);
   assert(a == S(BigInt(1), BigInt(0), 6L), 

struct S

     private BigInt val;
     private BigInt ival;
     private long pow10;
     ulong precision;

     void opOpAssign(string op)(S rhs)
         this.val *= rhs.val;
         this.val -= (this.ival + rhs.ival);
         this.ival = (this.ival * rhs.val);
         this.pow10 += rhs.pow10;
         this.ival += (this.val * rhs.ival);

It works and doesn't hang.

Anyone have ANY idea of what I'm doing wrong here?  Or is the 
compiler just bugging out?

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