Approach to Integration Testing in D

Mathias LANG geod24 at
Fri Feb 4 16:41:49 UTC 2022

On Friday, 4 February 2022 at 12:38:08 UTC, Vijay Nayar wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> ## Question
> What is your approach to integration testing in D? Do you use 
> `unittest` blocks? Do you write stand-alone programs that 
> interact with a running version of your program? Is there a 
> library that makes certain kinds of testing easier?

For server nodes, I've built a library just for this:

It required careful planning on the application side (e.g. we're 
not calling `runTask`, we have some classes for dependency 
injection), but allowed us to write "integration tests" in 
unittests block:

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