what is going on here?

forkit forkit at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 08:00:45 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 4 January 2022 at 23:37:57 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Or the compiler would run out of memory before it gets to 
> optimizing away those assignments, so it would just outright 
> crash. I ran your code on my computer and got this:
> 	uncaught exception
> 	core.exception.AssertError at src/dmd/common/outbuffer.d(204): 
> OutBuffer: out of memory.
> 	----------------
> 	??:? _d_assert_msg [0x5616e935648e]
> 	??:? _ZN9OutBuffer7reserveEm [0x5616e9350bda]
> 	??:? nothrow @trusted void 
> dmd.common.outbuffer.OutBuffer.position(ulong, ulong) 
> [0x5616e935129c]
> 	??:? _Z11ElfObj_termPKc [0x5616e933bcd6]
> 	Aborted
> Which seems to confirm my suspicions.
> T

Well, in my case, it was nice to see that the oom reaper thread 
is working correctly  ;-)

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