number ranges

H. S. Teoh hsteoh at
Mon Jan 17 22:06:47 UTC 2022

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 09:37:31PM +0000, forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> On Monday, 17 January 2022 at 11:58:18 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
> > 
> > This kind of half-open interval, which includes the lower bound but
> > excludes the upper bound, is used in programming because it lets you
> > write
> > 
> >     foreach (i; 0 .. array.length) writef("%s ", array[i]);
> > 
> > ...without going past the end of the array.
> Yes. But the intent here is clearly stated and cannot be misunderstood
> -> array.length
> Whereas 1..5 is just an opportunity to shoot yourself in the foot.

The compiler cannot discern intent. Both `5` and `array.length` are
expressions, as far as the compiler is concerned. So is `5 +
(array.length - sin(x))/2*exp(array2.length)`, for that matter.  The
compiler does not understand what the programmer may have intended; it
simply follows what the spec says.

Of course, to a *human* the semantics of `1..5` can be totally confusing
if you're not used to it.  The bottom-line is, in D (and in other C-like
languages) you just have to get used to 0-based indexing, because
ultimately it actually makes more sense than the 1-based counting scheme
we were taught in school. 1-based counting schemes are full of
exceptions and off-by-1 errors; it's needlessly complex and hard for the
mortal brain to keep track of all the places where you have to add or
subtract 1.  Whereas in 0-based index schemes, you *always* count from
0, and you always use `<` to check your bounds, and you can do
arithmetic with indices just by adding and subtracting as usual, without
off-by-1 errors.


	foreach (i; a .. b)

is equivalent to:

	for (auto i = a; i < b; i++)

Just think of that way and it will make sense.

And never ever write 1..n unless you actually intend to skip the first
element. Remember: 0-based counting, not 1-based counting. You always
start from 0, and count up to (but not including) n.  Which also means
you should always write `<`, never write `<=`. So your upper bound is
always the element *past* the last one. I.e., it's the index at which a
new element would be added if you were appending to your list. I.e., the
index at which a new element should be added is simply array.length (not
array.length+1 or array.length-1 or any of that error-prone crap that
nobody can remember).

If you adhere to these simple rules, you'll never need to add or
subtract 1 to your counters, loop indices, and lengths (because nobody
can remember when to do that, so not having to do it significantly
reduces the chances of bugs).


People say I'm arrogant, and I'm proud of it.

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