BetterC Name Mangling Linker Errors

Dennis dkorpel at
Wed Jul 27 12:40:25 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 27 July 2022 at 12:26:59 UTC, MyNameHere wrote:
> ```d
> void Main(void* Instance)
> {
>     WNDCLASSEXA WindowClass;
> ```

This is equivalent to `WNDCLASSEXA WindowClass = 

If the struct's fields all initialize to 0, the compiler would 
simply set the variable's bytes to 0, but the definition in 
druntime gives fields with non-zero default value:

     UINT      cbSize = WNDCLASSEXA.sizeof; // <-- non zero init
     UINT      style;
     WNDPROC   lpfnWndProc;
     int       cbClsExtra;
     int       cbWndExtra;
     HINSTANCE hInstance;
     HICON     hIcon;
     HCURSOR   hCursor;
     HBRUSH    hbrBackground;
     LPCSTR    lpszMenuName;
     LPCSTR    lpszClassName;
     HICON     hIconSm;

Because of this, the compiler defines an 'init symbol' in 
druntime that gets copied into your variable to initialize it. 
Because druntime isn't linked when using BetterC, the linker 
fails to find the init symbol.

I think removing the default initialization will fix it:
WNDCLASSEXA WindowClass = void;

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