a struct as an multidimensional array index

Ali Çehreli acehreli at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 11 15:01:05 UTC 2022

On 6/11/22 00:09, z wrote:

 > I rechecked and it should be `X Y Z` for static array, but `Z Y X` for
 > indexing/dynamic array creating with `new`

How so? I wrote the following program:

import std.stdio;

void main() {
   enum X = 2;
   enum Y = 3;
   enum Z = 4;

   int[X][Y][Z] s;
   int[X][Y][] d = new int[X][Y][Z];

   pragma(msg, typeof(s));
   pragma(msg, typeof(d));

It outputs the following for the static and the dynamic arrays:


Consistent elements, except the static array has a compile-time known 


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