Calling readln() after readf
Gary Chike
chikega at
Mon Jun 20 15:08:18 UTC 2022
I should have qualified the above with: _ and I will be
performing operations on the numeric datatype, since just
outputting simply strings, as in the above example, would require
nothing more than string data types. :)
module hello_world;
import std.stdio;
import std.string; // strip()
import std.conv; // to!int(),to!float()
void main() {
writeln("Hello world from D!");
write("What is your name? ");
auto fname = readln.strip;
writeln("It's so nice to meet you ", fname, "!");
write("How old are you? ");
auto age = to!int(readln.strip);
write("What is your GPA? ");
auto gpa = to!float(readln.strip);
if (gpa > 4) {
writeln("Sorry, 4 is the highest GPA ");
gpa = 4; }
writeln("So, ", fname, ", you are ", age, " years old and your
GPA is ",
gpa, ".. stellar!");
writeln("Can you increase your GPA? ");
if(gpa == 4) {
writeln("Your GPA is already as high as it can be!");
} else {
gpa = gpa > 3.5 ? 4 : (gpa + 0.5);
writeln("If you study hard, your GPA will likely be ", gpa);
age = age + 4;
writeln("But that may take 4 years, and you will be ", age, "
years old by that time.");
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