I like dlang but i don't like dub

Tobias Pankrath tobias at pankrath.net
Fri Mar 18 08:43:17 UTC 2022

On Friday, 18 March 2022 at 04:13:36 UTC, Alain De Vos wrote:
> Dlang includes some good ideas.
> But dub pulls in so much stuff. Too much for me.
> I like things which are clean,lean,little,small.
> But when i use dub it links with so many libraries.
> Are they really needed ?
> And how do you compare to pythons pip.
> Feel free to elaborate.

Dub is fantastic at some places, e.g. if you need to just execute 
something from code.dlang.org via `dub run`, or single file 
packages (https://dub.pm/advanced_usage) are great to write small 
cmdline utilities with dependencies.

I don't like it as a build system and it is notoriously hard to 
integrate into existing build systems. You can look at meson 
(which had some D related bug fixes recently) or reggae for that. 
Or just do `dmd -i` as long as compile times are low enough.

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