What are (were) the most difficult parts of D?

Basile B. b2.temp at gmx.com
Thu May 12 15:07:56 UTC 2022

On Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 14:06:13 UTC, Arjan wrote:
> On Thursday, 12 May 2022 at 11:05:08 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 11 May 2022 at 05:41:35 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
>> - Operator overloading in certain cases was confusing, I 
>> remember that for one particular form once I had to use your 
>> book instead of the official specs (when opSlice and opIndex 
>> are combined)

I still have the thing :

  * CharMap is an helper struct that allows to test
  * if a char is within a set of characters.
struct CharMap
     private bool[] _map;
     private dchar _min, _max;

     private void setMinMax(dchar value) pure nothrow @safe
         if (value <= _min) _min = value;
         else if (value >= _max) _max = value;
         _map.length = _max + 1 - _min;

      * Used in the construction process.
      * Params:
      *      lo = The dchar that defines the range lower bound.
      *      hi = The dchar that defines the range upper bound 
      * Examples:
      * ---
      * CharMap cm = CharMap['0'..'9'];
      * ---
     static CharRange opSlice(int index)(dchar lo, dchar hi) pure 
nothrow @safe @nogc
         return CharRange(lo, hi);

      * Used in the construction process.
      * Params:
      *      a = A list made of character slices, of single 
characters or
      * any other values whose type is implicitly convertible to 
      * Examples:
      * ---
      * CharMap cm = CharMap['0'..'9', '.', 'f', 'd', 38, 39];
      * ---
     static CharMap opIndex(A...)(A a) pure nothrow @safe
         CharMap result;

         // bounds
         foreach(elem; a)
             alias T = typeof(elem);
             static if (isSomeChar!T || 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(T, dchar))
             else static if (is(T == CharRange))
             else static assert(0, "unsupported opIndex argument 
type: " ~ T.stringof);

         result._map[] = false;
         foreach(elem; a)
             alias T = typeof(elem);
             static if (isSomeChar!T || 
isImplicitlyConvertible!(T, dchar))
                 result._map[elem - result._min] = true;
             else static if (is(T == CharRange))
                 foreach(size_t i; elem._min - result._min .. 
elem._max - result._min + 1)
                     result._map[i] = true;
         return result;

      * Returns true if a character is within the map.
      * Params:
      *      c = A character or any value convertible to a dchar.
     bool opBinaryRight(string op = "in", C)(C c) const pure 
nothrow @safe @nogc
     if (op == "in")
         static if (isSomeChar!C || isImplicitlyConvertible!(C, 
             if (_min > c || c > _max) return false;
             else return _map[c - _min];
         else static assert(0, `invalid argument type for 
CharMap.opBinaryRight!"in"(): ` ~ C.stringof);
pure @safe unittest
     CharMap cm = CharMap['a'..'f', '0'..'9' , 'A'..'F', '_', 9];
     assert('a' in cm);
     assert('b' in cm);
     assert('c' in cm);
     assert('d' in cm);
     assert('e' in cm);
     assert('f' in cm);
     assert('g' !in cm);
     assert('A' in cm);
     assert('B' in cm);
     assert('C' in cm);
     assert('D' in cm);
     assert('E' in cm);
     assert('F' in cm);
     assert('G' !in cm);
     assert('0' in cm);
     assert('4' in cm);
     assert('9' in cm);
     assert('_' in cm);
     assert('%' !in cm);
     assert('\t' in cm);

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