decimal type in d

IGotD- nise at
Mon May 16 09:46:57 UTC 2022

On Sunday, 15 May 2022 at 13:26:30 UTC, vit wrote:
> Hello, I want read decimal type from sql db, do some arithmetic 
> operations inside D program and write it back to DB. Result 
> need to be close to result as if this operations was performed 
> in sql DB. Something like C# decimal.
> Exists this kind of library ind D? (ideally `pure @safe @nogc 
> nothrow`).

This also something I wondered, it should be standard in the D 
library. Implementing it can be done straight forward with 
existing D language primitives, essentially a struct.

For those who don't know, decimal in C# is like a floating point 
value but the exponent is a power of 10 (internally total 16 
bytes). This means that for "simple" mathematics rational decimal 
values remains rational decimals values and not some rounded 
value that would happen if you would use normal floating point 
values. The decimal type is essential for financial calculations.

I think D can more or less copy the C# solution.

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