Installing DMD on linux via snap

matheus matheus at
Wed May 18 15:24:11 UTC 2022


Even my problem is already solved, I'm passing this information 
because I don't know if you are aware.

Yesterday I needed to install DMD on a fresh installed version of 
Linux, so since I was using Xubuntu I decided to use snap.

sudo snap install dmd

Then a warning appeared saying that because some permissions I 
should add --classic, OK I added and the installation proceeded.

So I just ran DMD alone and I got the version and some info, but 
when I tried to compile a simple Hello world to check if 
everything was really fine, I was greeted with this:

cc: No such file or directory
--- errorlevel 255

Looking online I found my answer, this was probably because it 
was missing GCC, then I did:

apt-get install build-essential

And after that it worked, but I wonder... couldn't we get a hint 
about this after or even before installing DMD?

I remember installing other applications and being asked to 
install additional libraries/packages. Couldn't we have the same?


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