Make IN Dlang

Christian Köstlin christian.koestlin at
Wed Nov 2 10:16:45 UTC 2022

On 02.11.22 00:51, Adam D Ruppe wrote:
> I don't have specific answers to your questions but your goal sounds 
> similar to Atila's reggae project so it might be good for you to take a 
> look at:
Hi Adam,

thanks for the pointer. I forgot about reggae ;-)
 From the documentation it looks more high level and already defines
things like libraries and so on. It's also very ambitious in that it
tries to support different backends!

Mind is more low level (although some language specific things could be
added on top of it.

I like reggaes approach in reading in the "source" and creating 
something new from it (perhaps with dub as library) this could get rid 
of some of the boilerplate of what I have now.

Kind regards,

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