My new programming book ...

Adam D Ruppe destructionator at
Tue Nov 8 13:53:39 UTC 2022

On Monday, 7 November 2022 at 04:54:05 UTC, ikelaiah wrote:
> I'm aware of the publication date. However, I find the content 
> still highly relevant to many day-to-day tasks (my use case).

Yeah, I tried to focus more on the ideas behind it than the 
specifics of a library. My thought is if you understand what it 
is trying to do, the adjustments to bring it up to date shouldn't 
be too hard.

It took some effort to avoid talking more about my libraries 
though lol. I did do a few small examples near the end of the 
book, and some of those have had minor changes, like I've since 
renamed "import simpledisplay" to "import arsd.simpledisplay". 
But the rest of it should still work, i try to keep things pretty 
stable in my libs.

BTW one of the things in chapter 2 i found surprisingly popular 
was the talk about std.socket. I did write a follow-up to that in 
my blog here:

Since the socket api is the same as C, I assumed people would 
know it from other sources, but the C api isn't as common 
knowledge as it used to be. So this tries to explain (tho even 
there I didn't go into ipv6 fallbacks and whatnot but it still 
lays the foundation).

And of course always feel free to ask here or whatever about 
anything, if I'm online I try to answer things pretty quickly.

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