aa.keys, synchronized and shared

torhu torhu at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 11 16:16:09 UTC 2022

On Friday, 11 November 2022 at 14:19:31 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
> Try this:
> ```

> private:
> 	V[K] sharedTable;
> 	ref inout(V[K]) unsharedTable() inout
> 	{
> 		return *cast(inout(V[K])*)&sharedTable;
> 	}
> ```

Thanks, that worked! Feels like programming in C, though. If I 
could figure out how to initialize the AA explicitly, I could 
also remove the ref here. If I just remove the ref, the AA is 
always null. If I try to initialize it in the constructor, I get 

src\syncaa.d(11,5): Error: `_d_monitorenter` cannot be 
interpreted at compile time, because it has no available source 

No idea why, it seems to happen if I try to use the AA in the 
constructor at all. Even when I just do `data_.remove(K.init);`

I also tried DMD 2.101.0-rc.1, using the new `new V[K]` syntax, 
same error there.

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