Is defining get/set methods for every field overkill?

surlymoor surlymoor at
Wed Nov 23 23:16:52 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 13:24:37 UTC, Tejas wrote:
> Please let's not repeat previous topics
> `private` will be enforced at module scope, for better or for 
> worse, there has already been a [1000 post 
> thread]( that resulted in basically nothing except someone creating a `private this` pull for curiosity that will never be accepted in the language
> Look at the very last post where the moderator had to 
> externally kill the thread to prevent it from being 
> revived/argued further

It's the same guy. He knows what he's doing and will not let this 
go, like a vengeful spirit.

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