What are best practices around toString?
thomas.bockman at gmail.com
Sat Oct 1 08:26:43 UTC 2022
On Friday, 30 September 2022 at 13:11:56 UTC, christian.koestlin
> Dear Dlang experts,
> up until now I was perfectly happy with implementing
> `(override) string toString() const` or something to get nicely
> formatted (mostly debug) output for my structs, classes and
> exceptions.
Human beings read extremely slowly compared to how quickly the GC
can allocate and free `string`s as needed, so there is no need to
complicate your code with more text formatting strategies unless
you want to generate this debug output far faster than a human
can actually read it.
> But recently I stumbled upon
> https://wiki.dlang.org/Defining_custom_print_format_specifiers
> and additionally
> https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/4ff1eec2ce7d990dcd58e5b641ef3d0a1676b9bb/druntime/src/object.d#L2637 which at first sight is great, because it provides the same customization of an objects representation with less memory allocations.
> When grepping through phobos, there are a bunch of "different"
> signatures implemented for this, e.g.
> ```d
> ...
> phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString(DG)(scope DG sink)
> const
> ...
> phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString(DG, Char)(scope DG
> sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt) const
> ...
> phobos/std/typecons.d: void toString()(scope void
> delegate(const(char)[]) sink, scope const ref FormatSpec!char
> fmt)
> ...
> phobos/std/sumtype.d: void toString(this This, Sink,
> Char)(ref Sink sink, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt);
> ...
> ```
> to just show a few.
The `FormatSpec` parameter only belongs there if you're actually
going to do something useful with it in your `toString`
implementation. Even if you are going to use it, you should
probably still provide a convenience overload with a default
> Furthermore, when one works with instances of struct, objects
> or exceptions a `aInstance.toString()` does not "work" when one
> only implements the sink interface (which is to be expected),
> whereas a `std.conv.to!string` or a formatted write with `%s`
> always works (no matter what was used to implement the
> toString).
I generally do something like this:
struct A {
string message;
int enthusiasm;
void toString(DG)(scope DG sink) scope const @safe
if(is(DG : void delegate(scope const(char[])) @safe)
|| is(DG : void function(scope const(char[])) @safe))
import std.format : formattedWrite;
sink(" x ");
formattedWrite!"%d"(sink, enthusiasm);
string toString() scope const pure @safe {
StringBuilder builder;
toString(&(builder.opCall)); // Find the exact string
toString(&(builder.opCall)); // Actually write the chars.
return builder.finish();
So, the first `toString` overload defines how to format the value
to text, while the second overload does memory management and
forwards the formatting work to the first.
`StringBuilder` is a utility shared across the entire project:
struct StringBuilder {
char[] buffer;
size_t next;
void opCall(scope const(char[]) str) scope pure @safe nothrow
@nogc {
const curr = next;
next += str.length;
if(buffer !is null)
buffer[curr .. next] = str[];
void allocate() scope pure @safe nothrow {
buffer = new char[next];
next = 0;
void allocate(const(size_t) maxLength) scope pure @safe
nothrow {
buffer = new char[maxLength];
next = 0;
string finish() pure @trusted nothrow @nogc {
assert(buffer !is null);
string ret = cast(immutable) buffer[0 .. next];
buffer = null;
next = 0;
return ret;
The first formatting pass to find the required buffer length can
be skipped if you can somehow pre-calculate the maximum possible
length, or if you prefer the common strategy of repeatedly
re-allocating the buffer with exponentially increasing size used
by the likes of `std.array.Appender`. Since the API for
`toString` remains the same regardless, you are free to choose
the best strategy for each type.
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