Spec for the ‘locality’ parameter to the LDC and GDC builtin magic functions for accessing special CPU prefetch instructions

Guillaume Piolat first.name at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 10:45:14 UTC 2023

On Saturday, 19 August 2023 at 19:23:38 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
> I’m trying to write a cross-platform function that gives access 
> to the CPU’s prefetch instructions such as x86 
> prefetch0/1/2/prefetchnta and AAarch64 too. I’ve found that the 
> GDC and LDC compilers provide builtin magic functions for this, 
> and are what I need. I am trying to put together a 
> plain-English detailed spec for the respective builtin magic 
> functions.

Have you found that?


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