Coding Challenges - Dlang or Generic

Salih Dincer salihdb at
Thu Jan 19 03:21:04 UTC 2023

On Wednesday, 18 January 2023 at 11:20:11 UTC, matheus wrote:
> Could you please run your version vs mine (Changing to print 
> one column, line 70: draw_year(2023,1); ) and tell us the 
> result?

When implementing MyCalendar(), it was not designed to output 
multiple columns. Therefore, we cannot make a direct comparison. 
But the code you designed is also very nice. Can you let me do a 
little magic touch using contract programming?

void draw_year(int columns)(int year)
in(imported!"std.numeric".lcm(12, columns) == 12, "Permited 
columns < 4, 6 and 12") {
   foreach(i; 0..12 / columns)
     year.draw_months(i * columns + 1, columns);
     //foreach(_; 0..10)
       2023.draw_year!12; // 12 x 1
       2023.draw_year!6;  //  6 x 2
       2023.draw_year!4;  //  4 x 3
       2023.draw_year!3;  //  3 x 4
       2023.draw_year!2;  //  2 x 6
       2023.draw_year!1;  //  1 x 12
SDB at 79

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