Non-ugly ways to implement a 'static' class or namespace?

thebluepandabear therealbluepandabear at
Mon Jan 23 00:16:58 UTC 2023

> // app.d
> import API = api;
> void main()
> {
>     API.draw();
> }
> ```

Another thing that I don't like about that solution, is that it 
doesn't 'force' the user to write in a namespace-like style.

C++ `namespaces` force you to (I believe), and so does `static 
class` from Java/C#.

D is both an object oriented and procedural language, I would 
honestly love to see some sort of `namespace` or `static class` 
feature come into the language. I know that it's controversial 
here, but I would honestly think it would help develop the 
language in a good way. But that's just my opinion.

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