DUB: Sometimes generates .di file and sometimes do not.

BoQsc vaidas.boqsc at gmail.com
Sun Nov 5 11:07:58 UTC 2023

On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 10:54:35 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
> On Sunday, 5 November 2023 at 10:53:33 UTC, BoQsc wrote:
>> I would like to know how to solve this problem with `dub`.
>> **dub.sdl**
>> ```
>> name "dheaders"
>> description "generates .di header file for a static library."
>> authors "public domain"
>> copyright "Public Domain. No rights reserved."
>> license "public domain"
>> configuration "staticLibrary" {
>> 	dflags "-Hf=$PACKAGE_DIR/builds/library.di"
>> 	targetName "library"
>> 	targetType "library"
>> 	targetPath "builds"
>> 	sourceFiles "library.d"	
>> }
>> ```
>> **library.d**
>> ```
>> module library;
>> int func(int x)
>> {
>>     return x+1;
>> }
>> ```
>> **Command Line:**
>> ```
>> dub
>> ```
>> **Problem:**
>> After running `dub` command: `library.di` file is 
>> rarely/inconsistenly generated inside `builds` directory.
> Try add quotes to the Hf param

Didn't help.

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