import issue?

DLearner bmqazwsx123 at
Wed Nov 22 16:08:43 UTC 2023

Why does:

// Test module Ex_mod
struct SA {
    int   SAIntFld1;
    int   SAIntFld2;

bool AddEle(ref void* StartPtr, SA PayLoad1) {

    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;

    struct Ele {
       SA   PayLoad;
       Ele* EleNxtPtr;
       Ele* ElePrvPtr;

    Ele*    ElePtr;
    Ele*  wkElePtr;

    return true;


imported into:
// Test harness

struct SA {
    int   SAIntFld1;
    int   SAIntFld2;

void main() {

    import std.stdio: writeln;

    import Ex_mod;

    SA SAVar;
    void* SA_StartPtr = null;

    SAVar.SAIntFld1 = 3;
    SAVar.SAIntFld2 = -5;

    if (AddEle(SA_StartPtr, SAVar)) {
       writeln("Element linked");
    } else {
       writeln("Element not linked");


Fail with:
ex_main.d(21): Error: function `Ex_mod.AddEle(ref void* StartPtr, 
SA PayLoad1)` is not callable using argument types `(void*, SA)`
ex_main.d(21):        cannot pass argument `SAVar` of type 
`ex_main.SA` to parameter `Ex_mod.SA PayLoad1`


When eliminating the import via:

// Test harness

struct SA {
    int   SAIntFld1;
    int   SAIntFld2;

bool AddEle(ref void* StartPtr, SA PayLoad1) {

    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;

    struct Ele {
       SA   PayLoad;
       Ele* EleNxtPtr;
       Ele* ElePrvPtr;

    Ele*    ElePtr;
    Ele*  wkElePtr;

    return true;

void main() {

    import std.stdio: writeln;

//   import Ex_mod;

    SA SAVar;
    void* SA_StartPtr = null;

    SAVar.SAIntFld1 = 3;
    SAVar.SAIntFld2 = -5;

    if (AddEle(SA_StartPtr, SAVar)) {
       writeln("Element linked");
    } else {
       writeln("Element not linked");


works correctly?

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