Doubt about type Inference on templates

Antonio antoniocabreraperez at
Wed Nov 22 17:53:15 UTC 2023

Just for fun, I'm trying to implement an alternative base library 
to avoid template/mixin/static/traits code with only one 
objective:  make "intelliSense" code analyzers tasks easier.

I need "Generics"... but D has not generics:  I use templates in 
the "simplest" possible way

interface IIterable(T)
   bool empty();
   void popFront();
   T front();

IIterable!S toIterable(S)(S[] source)
   => new ArrayIterable!S(source);
IIterable!S filter(S)(IIterable!S source, bool delegate(S item) 
   => new Filter!S(source, predicate);
IIterable!S filter(S)(S[] source, bool delegate(S item) predicate)
   => toIterable(source).filter(predicate);
// ...


Then, in main.d I do
import std.stdio;
void main(){


It works properly... until I remove the ```!int``` from the 
```filter``` method.

main.d(3,38): Error: none of the overloads of template `filter` 
are callable using argument types `!()(IIterable!int, void)`
iterable.d(21,13):        Candidates are: `filter(S)(IIterable!S 
source, bool delegate(S item) predicate)`
iterable.d(23,13):                        `filter(S)(S[] source, 
bool delegate(S item) predicate)`

Basically, it doesn't know witch version of ```filter``` to use, 
because it is inferring `i=>i%2==0` is `void` ?!?!?!

!()(IIterable!int, void)

If I explicitly write `(int i)=>i%2==0`, it compiles correctly 

**Is it mandatory to explicitly tell that `S` is `int` when 
```IIterable!S source``` is  `IIterable!int` alredy?**

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