Unittests pass, and then an invalid memory operation happens after?

Lance Bachmeier no at spam.net
Sun Apr 7 03:48:24 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 3 April 2024 at 21:57:00 UTC, Liam McGillivray 

> Alright. I suppose that some of the optimization decisions I 
> have made so far may have resulted in less readable code for 
> little performance benefit. Now I'm trying to worry less about 
> optimization. Everything has been very fast so far.
> I haven't used a profiler yet, but I may like to try it.

A good example where you people will get fooled is to avoid 
passing structs as function arguments/return values because 
you're worried about copying:


I'm guilty of having done that regularly until I learned how the 
compiler actually works and how little time certain operations 
take. One time I even changed clear string arguments to 
hard-to-remember single char values inside a loop.

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