How can I tell D that function args are @nogc etc.

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Wed Apr 10 11:34:06 UTC 2024

Place your attributes on the right hand side of the function, not the 
left side.

Use the left side for attributes/type qualifiers that go on the return type.

bool[7] stagesToProcess = false;

bool shouldDoInStages(int index) @nogc nothrow @safe
      return stagesToProcess[index];

bool shouldDoNever(int index) @nogc nothrow @safe
      return false;

template processSafely(int low, int high)
      alias ShouldDoFnT = bool function(int) @nogc nothrow @safe;

      uint processSafely(ShouldDoFnT shouldDo) @nogc nothrow @safe
          assert(low < high);
          uint stepsProcessed;
          for (int ii = low; ii <= high; ii++)
              if (shouldDo(ii))
          return stepsProcessed;

void main()
      stagesToProcess = [false, false, true, true, false, true,
      uint count = processSafely!(1, 4)(&shouldDoInStages);
      assert(count == 2);

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