Doing a `static foreach` or `foreach` through enum members in a template or CTFE function, while disabling deprecation warnings

Liam McGillivray at
Fri Apr 19 22:29:50 UTC 2024

On Friday, 19 April 2024 at 22:24:17 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
> ```
> template enumMixin(alias Enum) {
>     static foreach(m; __traits(allMembers, Enum)) static if 
> (!__traits(isDeprecated, __traits(getMember, Enum, m)))
>     {
>         mixin("alias "~m~" = __traits(getMember, Enum, m);");
>     }
> };
> ```

Correction: The code shown above actually *does* work properly 
without any deprecation warnings. I made a mistake with the enum 
being set to the CTFE function I was previously using instead of 
this template. This template actually works.

I posted here for visibility and searchability, in case anyone 
else wants to do something like this.

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