Challenge Tuples

Julian Fondren julian.fondren at
Sat Apr 27 22:28:58 UTC 2024

On Friday, 26 April 2024 at 13:25:34 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
> You have a 5-item data tuples as Tuple(1, 2, 3, [1, 3], 5) and 
> implement the sum (total = 15) with the least codes using the 
> sum() function of the language you are coding...


import std/[math, typetraits, macros]

macro unrollRange(low, high: static int; name, body: untyped) =
   result = newStmtList()
   for i in low ..< high:
       newConstStmt(name, newLit i),
       copy body

let t = (1, 2, 3, @[1, 3], 5)
var arr: seq[int]
unrollRange(0, t.tupleLen, i):
   arr.add t[i]
doAssert arr.sum == 15

vs. D

1. there's no `each` on tuples
2. there's no static for loop, so a macro is needed for the tuple 
3. `add` is making use of the same overload as D's `~=`

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