Any way to automatically convert structs on return?
zxinsworld at
Thu Aug 1 08:46:00 UTC 2024
On Thursday, 1 August 2024 at 07:25:53 UTC, Emma wrote:
> This code works:
> ```d
> struct None {}
> struct Option(T) {
> bool hasSome;
> T value;
> this(None) {}
> this(T v) {
> hasSome = true;
> value = v;
> }
> }
> Option!int a = 123; // automatically constructs an
> Option!int from a bare int
> Option!int b = None(); // same as above but with None
> ```
> but this doesn't:
> ```d
> Option!int something() {
> return None(); // Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
> `None()` of type `None` to `Option!int`
> }
> ```
> This kind of prevents ergonomic code like the above. Instead
> you have to use a function like `Option!T None(T)() =>
> Option!T()` and then you have to repeat yourself with `return
> None!int` and etc... it's quite annoying :(
> In C++ you may do this fairly easily, but of course there are
> various pitfalls because it's C++. But at least you can opt out
> with `explicit` most of the time.
> Thanks in advance!
I’m pretty sure this is intentional to prevent ambiguity, but I
can’t quite remember what the point of that is. You can always
just write the constructor manually, but yes it’s a hassle. I
wonder how open people would be to changing this restriction?
P.S. You might want to put `value = void`, otherwise it’ll always
be default-constructed. Phobos also has `Nullable` if you want
another implementation for reference.
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