Recommendations on porting Python to D

Chris Piker chris at
Thu Aug 8 20:48:09 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 8 August 2024 at 20:23:02 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> On Thursday, 8 August 2024 at 20:20:11 UTC, Chris Piker wrote:
>> (the rest is D).
> D in space when? :)

Unfortunately I'm only the ground segment, so D's not going to 
space today.  But you never know what the future holds.  (I did 
notice this the other night, 

Back on Earth, I do hope my D based telemetry parser helps out a 
lot of missions over time.  Btw, std.sumtype and dpq2 were 
notably useful in the work. Shout-outs to Paul and Denis are 
definitely in order.  They get free beer from me if I'm ever 
lucky enough to run into either of them.

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