Build fully static library by the compiler?

Denis Feklushkin feklushkin.denis at
Fri Aug 9 02:34:03 UTC 2024

We can build static library directly from the compiler:

$ ldc2 --lib app.d

produces app.a file with app.o inside of it.

Are there simple way to make a static library that also includes 
necessary standard D libraries (i.e., phobos2 and druntime)?

Compiler already knows (?) paths to default static libs because 
it have --static option which produces static executable with all 
necessary libs inside. (Although I'm not sure that it works by 
this way)

Point is that D can be not a main language of the project and it 
is unconvient to extract by somehow paths to phobos and druntime 
at last stages of project build.

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