Build fully static library by the compiler?

kinke noone at
Sun Aug 11 10:18:56 UTC 2024

On Friday, 9 August 2024 at 02:34:03 UTC, Denis Feklushkin wrote:
> Are there simple way to make a static library that also 
> includes necessary standard D libraries (i.e., phobos2 and 
> druntime)?

Nope, you'd have to specify the path to the libs explicitly in 
the cmdline to merge them into the created static lib/archive, 
e.g., `ldc2 -lib bla.d $(dirname $(dirname $(which 

> Compiler already knows (?) paths to default static libs because 
> it have --static option which produces static executable with 
> all necessary libs inside. (Although I'm not sure that it works 
> by this way)

Not really; the `-defaultlib` libraries need to be in one of the 
`lib-dirs` in ldc2.conf, it's the linker that resolves them.

> Point is that D can be not a main language of the project and 
> it is unconvient to extract by somehow paths to phobos and 
> druntime at last stages of project build.

Would using the D compiler as linker driver be an option? Similar 
to how people can avoid explicitly linking GNU's libstdc++ / 
LLVM's libc++ by using `c++` instead of `cc` as linker driver, 
thereby not having to know which implementation of the C++ std 
library to choose for the particular platform.

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