Build fully static library by the compiler?

Denis Feklushkin feklushkin.denis at
Sun Aug 11 13:16:16 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 11 August 2024 at 11:40:39 UTC, kinke wrote:
> On Sunday, 11 August 2024 at 11:08:24 UTC, Denis Feklushkin 
> wrote:
>>> Similar to how people can avoid explicitly linking GNU's 
>>> libstdc++ / LLVM's libc++ by using `c++` instead of `cc` as 
>>> linker driver, thereby not having to know which 
>>> implementation of the C++ std library to choose for the 
>>> particular platform.
>> Maybe in D case it will be right choice to respect 
>> --defaultlib= setting during static linking? So if anyone 
>> wants to link static library without stdlibs then just can 
>> leave it empty. In other cases druntime and phobos will be 
>> linked into static library?
> This is NOT static **linking**, what you are asking for is 
> merging the D-default static libraries into a generated static 
> lib, to make it 'standalone' and thus simplify linking D parts 
> into another project.

Yes, I meant that.

But really I don't understand the fundamental difference with 
static binary linking: there are "default libraries" and "just 
libraries". But there is no fundamental difference.

> Merging druntime and Phobos into a static lib is an extremely 
> exotic case, analogous to someone wanting to merge a static 
> libstdc++.a into their static C++ lib.

I don't see anything wrong with that. If everything around was 
written in some other language, C++ people would have been forced 
to add their runtime in a same roundabout way.

My opinion is that C/C++ are not a reference point here: they 
created system as if there was only two languages, C and C++. The 
very idea of "default ​​libraries" is grist to the same mill.

> So I don't see a good reason to support this use case by the 
> compiler directly.

It helps with cases discussed in this topic. Because world around 
is written on C and C++, not on D. Build systems also isn't 
supporting D in most - for example, I can't force cmake to search 
the D standard library path to link target with it.

> What you could e.g. do with a dedicated ldc2.conf is specifying 
> the paths to druntime and Phobos as regular default switches.

This will break a lot of things, it's easier to manually add a 
similar hack into the build scripts

Ok, thanks to all! I think my question was completely cleared

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