Build fully static library by the compiler?

Richard (Rikki) Andrew Cattermole richard at
Sun Aug 11 14:27:11 UTC 2024

On 12/08/2024 2:04 AM, kinke wrote:
> Wrt. available options for linking D parts /statically/ into a project 
> in another language, I'd go in this order:
>  1. Use the D compiler as linker driver.
>  2. With a non-D compiler as linker driver, inject the required linker
>     flags for the D parts, something like |-L<path to libs dir>
>     -lphobos2-ldc -ldruntime-ldc|, in the correct position.
>  3. Otherwise merge all static D libs incl. druntime+Phobos to a single
>     monolithic static lib (still depending on libc etc.) as an extra step.
> Solution 3 could potentially be implemented in build systems like dub, 
> which would then e.g. also allow you to create a 'standalone' fat static 
> lib for a dub project with regular static-lib dub dependencies, merging 
> all of them, not just druntime and Phobos.

This touches upon something I've been wanting for a while now, which is 
essentially a platform probe switch for D compilers.

It would replace dub's platform probe file, but would aid in cases like 
this where you don't want to be guessing locations of files.

But it could also offer:

All target triples, their linker flags (with respect to shared + static 
builds), file paths to druntime/phobos, and if the triple is default or 
supported by host.

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