How to find the right function in the Phobos library?

IchorDev zxinsworld at
Sun Aug 18 08:39:49 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 17 August 2024 at 19:49:04 UTC, Vinod K Chandran 
> All I want is a delay function which simulate some work load in 
> current thread.

As Rikki points out, delay or sleep functions (as the name says) 
‘put the thread to sleep’. If you want the thread to be 
constantly busy, you can use a while loop:
import core.time;

//waste electricity for 1ms:
const endTime = MonoTime.currTime + 1.msecs;
while(MonoTime.currTime < endTime){}
Note that it’s better to let the thread rest because otherwise 
the OS might be starved for threads, or the CPU will consume more 
electricity and could overheat unnecessarily, hindering your 
program’s performance.

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