How do you typically debug / write D code (Visual Studio - known to be broken in Error pane etc), VScode - I get this error...

Daniel Daniel
Mon Aug 19 10:59:33 UTC 2024

I give up on Visual Studio VisualD plugin as it's had the same 
issues for over five years, and currently my program runs from 
the command line, but VisualD complains with a 528 nonsensical 

So I investigated using VScode instead (I do need a debugger), 
and I get this:

Couldn't find a debug adapter descriptor for debug type 'code-d' 
(extension might have failed to activate)

I have the D-support plugin installed and it auto-creates a 
Launch config when I select it from the dropdown after clicking 
Add Configuration.

The launch.json config looks like this:

     // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
     // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
     // For more information, visit:
     "version": "0.2.0",
     "configurations": [
             "type": "code-d",
             "request": "launch",
             "dubBuild": true,
             "name": "Build & Debug DUB project",
             "cwd": "${command:dubWorkingDirectory}",
             "program": "${command:dubTarget}"



I've tried both DUB vs non-DUB launch config.  Same error either 

So how do you guys efficiently debug D if there exists no working 
environment or is there a nice IDE I'm unaware of?

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