Using D libraries with SDL. Error: "Cannot find module protobuf'

Nicol Farran Terra nicolterramaze at
Sat Aug 24 12:24:04 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 24 August 2024 at 12:11:03 UTC, IchorDev wrote:
> snip

Okay, yeah now I see my problem sort of. So now it at least 
builds, but it wont compile with dmd app.d.
Says basically the same thing before where it cannot find the 
module. Maybe I am supposed to link it? I am so used to doing 
single file projects, I just did dmd app.d to see if it would 

But yes, good news is in dub.sdl root, it builds. So I think I am 
good? Maybe I am just missing something in the compiler use lol. 
I think I can assume if I can build with my SDL at my dub.sdl 
root, it should be fine. I think. Idk

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