unittest behaviour

DLearner bmqazwsx123 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 21:31:13 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 17 December 2024 at 19:56:32 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> That means the compiler will have to rerun your program once 
> per unittest.  That means your OS has to create a new process 
> per unittest. If you have a lot of unittests, that adds a huge 
> amount of overhead.

Agreed, but only an issue when testing, not in production.


> It still does not solve the problem of unittests with 
> side-effects, like file or network I/O.

To me, it is unreasonable to expect unittest (as a part of the 
compiler suite) to establish/reset those parts of the environment 
outside of the program source code (like creating/restoring test 
files etc).
I regard that as something that is the programmer's 
responsibility [perhaps by writing a script that performs those 
tasks, and calling that script within the unittest].

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