Kotlin Meta and CT programming vs D

Jo Blow JoBlow at dot.com
Sun Dec 22 07:03:20 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 22 December 2024 at 00:00:05 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 21, 2024 at 07:06:12PM +0000, Jo Blow via 
> Digitalmars-d-learn wrote: [...]
>> There really should be some push to get D integrated into some 
>> major platform. Maybe D could be the "JNI language" for the 
>> Android platform?
> This is the difference between a corporate-backed and funded 
> project vs. a project mostly driven by volunteers. D doesn't 
> have the financial clout to be able to push for things to 
> happen on Android, for example. Sure, someone *could* create a 
> system that lets D work smoothly on Android, but it's highly 
> unlikely Google would adopt it.  Unless it somehow manages to 
> spread like wildfire in a grassroots fashion among the Android 
> developer base.  I'm not holding my breath, though, much as I'd 
> like to see it happen.
> T

It would at least take people who actually are heavily into D to 
actually go talk to google and show them the benefits it would 
have. It would require people to actually essentially petition 
google. It likely would take some work to get a prototype going 
to at least demonstrate it. Although one could argue why D and 
not something like Haskell.

Given all the insanity in the world now though it is very 
unlikely to happen. Humanity is going into a very dark time which 
will slow things down significantly and likely lead to some major 
catastrophic events that might make all this moot. The lunatics 
run the asylum and they like to play with consequences that they 
don't understand the ramification and the only way out of such 
things is for them to destroy everything including themselves.

I'm pretty sure Pandora's box has been opened.

In any case, Just an idea,

Since D has an llvm version could that be leveraged in any way to 
have it output Java IR or Kotlin code.

The idea would mainly be not to have the full functionality of 
D(such as all the libraries) but to have it's meta programming 

Basically use it for the business end design and have the D 
compiler resolve all the compile time stuff but then output the 
results into Kotlin(or whatever). Since at the end of the day the 
compile time stuff is going to basically just be type relations 
and object manipulation there would essentially be a 1 to 1 
connection(one could likely even translate some runtime 
reflection stuff).

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