Kotlin Meta and CT programming vs D

Jo Blow JoBlow at dot.com
Mon Dec 23 02:52:05 UTC 2024

On Sunday, 22 December 2024 at 10:56:26 UTC, Sergey wrote:
> On Thursday, 19 December 2024 at 06:04:33 UTC, Jo Blow wrote:
>> In any case, it was a great experience for the first month or 
>> so but then when I started looking for more complicated "D 
>> like" features such as CT/meta programming they don't seem to 
>> actually exist... at least not in the way one thinks and seems 
>> to be quite limited.
> Maybe it is also worth to check Groovy meta-programming 
> abilities (including AST and macros).


That does look more "D" like and if it has things like traits and 
string mixins then I probably could get used to it. But I doubt 
it can interface with or replace Kotlin?

The main reason I use Kotlin is because of jetpack compose which 
is quite easy to use. Although I don't like the way it deals with 
state as it can be a PITA to figure what really is going on at 

If, say, I could write UI code in Kotlin and then business end in 
Groovy and the compiler or IDE takes care of hooking everything 
up(just as if I were to write the business end in Kotlin) then I 
would likely use it.

That is, if I can import packages and types from one into the 
other implicitly then it will work.

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