How to iterate string enum values?

bauss jacobbauss at
Mon Dec 23 20:26:47 UTC 2024

On Monday, 23 December 2024 at 20:20:02 UTC, Anton Pastukhov 
> I'm stuck on a simple problem.
> There is this string enum of MIME types:
> ```d
> enum BodyType: string {
>     PlainText = "text/plain",
>     JSON = "apllication/json",
>     FormUrlencoded = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
>     Multipart = "multipart/form-data",
>     Other = "Other",
>     None = "None"
> }
> ```
> Q: how can I iterate its values? With keys it's relatively easy:
> ```d
> auto keys = [EnumMembers!BodyType]
>     .map!(el => to!string(el))
>     .array;
> ```
> With values, though, I'm kinda stuck. Reading Ali's book and 
> did not bring enlightening

Simply cast el to a string instead of using, that way 
you retrieve the values.

auto values = [EnumMembers!BodyType]
     .map!(el => cast(string)el)

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