Open a folder with explorer.exe

Jordan Wilson wilsonjord at
Sat Dec 28 19:23:39 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 28 December 2024 at 18:55:08 UTC, bauss wrote:
> I cannot figure out how to get spawnProcess working with 
> explorer.exe on Windows.
> Been trying to call it like:
> ```
> spawnProcess(["explorer.exe", path]);
> ```
> But it only opens explorer.exe in the documents path and not 
> the path given.
> I've tried to set the working directory too and it doesn't work 
> either.
> Can anyone help me? All I want to do is open a specific folder 
> in explorer.exe given a specific path.

This may achieve what you want:
`spawnProcess(["powershell", "invoke-item", "-path", path]);`



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