SumType extraction

An Pham home at
Sat Jul 6 23:09:48 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 27 June 2024 at 18:51:19 UTC, Josh Holtrop wrote:
> Hello all. In my application I came across a desire to store an 
> ordered array of handles that could point to one of several 
> different objects, and it seems like the tool I want for that 
> is SumType.
> I started with something like (simplified of course):
> ```d
> class Foo {}
> class Bar {}

My Variant package can do this type of thing

     Variant[] mixedC;
     mixedC ~= new Foo();
     mixedC ~= new Bar();
     size_t foundCount;
     foreach (v; mixedC)
         if (auto c = v.peek!Foo)
     assert(foundCount == 1);

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