Wrapper around a recursive data type

drug007 drug2004 at bk.ru
Mon Jul 8 08:56:51 UTC 2024

I need to generate some meta info of my data types. I do it this 
import std.range, std.format, std.stdio, std.traits;

struct NestedType
     string s;
     double d;

struct Node
     string value;
     int i;
     NestedType nt;
     // Node[] children; // It makes Node to be a recursive data types

template Meta(A)
     static if (isRandomAccessRange!A)
         alias Meta = RaRMeta!A;
     else static if (isSomeString!A || isIntegral!A || isFloatingPoint!A)
         alias Meta = ScalarMeta!A;
         alias Meta = AggregateMeta!A;

struct RaRMeta(A)
     alias ElementType = typeof(A.init[0]);
     Meta!ElementType[] model;

struct ScalarMeta(A) {}

struct AggregateMeta(A)
     static foreach (member; __traits(allMembers, A))
         mixin("Meta!(typeof(A.%1$s)) %1$s;".format(member));

void main()
     auto meta = Meta!Node();

     assert(meta.value == ScalarMeta!string());
     assert(meta.i == ScalarMeta!int());
     assert(meta.nt == AggregateMeta!NestedType());

     assert(meta.nt.s == ScalarMeta!string());
     assert(meta.nt.d == ScalarMeta!double());
It works. But when I try to wrap around a recursive data type (uncomment 
`children` member of `Node` type) it fails because during instantiating 
of `Meta!Node` it needs complete `Meta!Node` type to process `children` 
member of `Node`.

How can I "break" this recursion or some other work around to fix it?

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