Being reading a lot about betterC, but still have some questions

monkyyy crazymonkyyy at
Tue Jul 9 14:42:01 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 9 July 2024 at 07:54:12 UTC, kiboshimo wrote:
> I'm going to try a project with raylib and WASM.

use mine

> - betterC can be compiled to WASM, but some of phobos can't, so 
> basically same worries as above. I'm afraid to lose some 
> essential systems stuff that I could not replace.

yes, and your not afraid enough

> Really liked the idea of doing it with betterC to start my 
> systems programming journey

Theres nothing even slightly pleasant or easy about d's wasm 
"support"; I wrote my own cos, sqrt functions, you get *nothing* 
from phoboes

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