How to pass in reference a fixed array in parameter

Eric P626 ericp at
Wed Jun 5 06:22:34 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 4 June 2024 at 16:19:39 UTC, Andy Valencia wrote:
> On Tuesday, 4 June 2024 at 12:22:23 UTC, Eric P626 wrote:
>> I tried to find a solution on the internet, but could not find 
>> anything, I stumble a lot on threads about Go or Rust language 
>> even if I specify "d language" in my search.
> Aside from the excellent answer already present, I wanted to 
> mention that searching with "dlang" has helped target my 
> searches.
> Welcome to D!  (From another newbie.)
> Andy

Thanks for the comments. So far, I only managed to make it work 
by creating a dynamic array and keeping the same signature:

     void main()
     {  s_cell [][] maze = new s_cell[][](5,5);
        print_maze (maze);

void print_maze ( s_cell [][] maze )

Now according to the book, it's possible to assign a slice from a 
fixed array. This code will compile:

int[12] monthDays = [ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 
31 ];
int[] a_slice = monthDays;

How come the assignment does not work when passing a parameter. I 
tried the following and it failed:

s_cell [5][5] maze;
s_cell [][] sliced_maze = maze;

with this message:

Error: cannot implicitly convert expression `maze` of type 
`s_cell[5][5]` to `s_cell[][]`

Is it because it's a 2D array (slice of slice)? I need to 
manually copy each slice manually, or use a utility function to 
do the copy? This is why it cannot auto-magically do it with just 
when passing a parameter.

I tried the following signatures with the ref keyword and it did 
not change anything:

void print_maze ( ref s_cell maze )
void print_maze ( ref s_cell [][] maze )

 From what I found, arrays passed in parameters are always passed 
by reference. So the ref keyword seems pointless.


The only solution left is to use pointers. But even this does not 
seems to work as in C. I created a function with different 
pointer signature and they all fails.

Normally in C, this would have worked:

s_cell [5][5] maze;

void create_maze ( s_cell *maze)

I get the following error

Error: function `mprmaze.create_maze(s_cell* maze)` is not 
callable using argument types `(s_cell[5][5]*)`
cannot pass argument `& maze` of type `s_cell[5][5]*` to 
parameter `s_cell* maze`

But I get the idea of ambiguity, is the pointer pointing on a 
single cell, or an array of cells, so there might need a way to 
specify that it's not just an elements. I tried this:

s_cell [5][5] maze;

     void create_maze ( s_cell [][]*maze)

and get this error

Error: function `mprmaze.create_maze(s_cell[][]* maze)` is not 
callable using argument types `(s_cell[5][5]*)`
cannot pass argument `& maze` of type `s_cell[5][5]*` to 
parameter `s_cell[][]* maze`

Now I think it expect a 2D array of pointers instead of a pointer 
on a 2D array.

It's also not clear if there is a difference between those 2 


Do you have a code sample on how to pass a 2D array by pointer?

So far, the pointer solution seems like the only method that 
should be compatible with both fixed and dynamic arrays unless I 
am mistaken.

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