How to use D without the GC ?

evilrat evilrat666 at
Wed Jun 12 18:58:49 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 17:00:14 UTC, Vinod K Chandran 
> On Wednesday, 12 June 2024 at 10:16:26 UTC, Sergey wrote:
>> Btw are you going to use PyD or doing everything manually from 
>> scratch?
> Does PyD active now ? I didn't tested it. My approach is using 
> "ctypes" library with my dll. Ctypes is the fastes FFI in my 
> experience. I tested Cython, Pybind11 and CFFI. But None can 
> beat the speed of ctypes. Currently the fastest experiments 
> were the dlls created in Odin & C3. Both are non-GC languages.

It is probably not that well maintained, but it definitely works 
with python 3.10 and maybe even 3.11, i use it to interface with 
pytorch and numpy and PIL, but my use case is pretty simple, i 
just write some wrapper python functions to run inference and 
pass images back and forth using embedded py_stmts. the only 
problem is that it seems to leak a lot PydObjects so i have to 
manually free them, even scope doesn't helps with that which is 

example classifier python
def inference(image: Image):
     """ Predicts the image class and returns confidences for 
every class
     To get the class one can use the following code
     > conf = inference(image)
     > index = conf.argmax()
     > cls = classes[index]

     # this detector doesn't works with more than 3 channels
     ch = len(image.getbands())
     has_transparency ='transparency', None) is 
not None
     if ch > 3 or has_transparency:
         image = image.convert("RGB")

     image_tensor = prep_transform(image).float()
     image_tensor = image_tensor.unsqueeze_(0)

     # it is fast enough to run on CPU
     #if torch.cuda.is_available():
     #    image_tensor.cuda()

     with torch.inference_mode():
         # NOTE: read the comment on model
         output = model(image_tensor)
     index =

     return index

and some of D functions

ImageData aiGoesBrrrr(string path, int strength = 50) {
     try {
         if (!pymod)
             py_stmts("import sys; 
         if (!pymod.hasattr("model"))
             pymod.model = pymod.method("load_model", 

         PydObject ipath = py(path);
         scope(exit) destroy(ipath);

         auto context = new InterpContext();
         context.path = ipath;

         from PIL import Image
         image =
         ch = len(image.getbands())
         if ch > 3:
             image = image.convert('RGB')

         // signature: def run(model, imagepath, alpha=45) -> 
         PydObject output = pymod.method("run", pymod.model, 
context.image, 100-strength);
         context.output = output;
         scope(exit) destroy(output);

         PydObject shape = output.getattr("shape");
         scope(exit) destroy(shape);

         // int n = ...;
         int c = shape[2].to_d!int;
         int w = shape[1].to_d!int;
         int h = shape[0].to_d!int;

         // numpy array
         void* raw_ptr = output.buffer_view().item_ptr([0,0,0]);

         ubyte* d_ptr = cast(ubyte*) raw_ptr;
         ubyte[] d_img = d_ptr[0..h*w*c];

         return ImageData(d_img.dup, h ,w ,c);
     } catch (PythonException e) {
         // oh no...
         auto context = new InterpContext();
         context.trace = new PydObject(e.traceback);
         context.py_stmts("from traceback import format_tb; trace 
= format_tb(trace)");
         printerr(e.py_message, "\n", context.trace.to_d!string);
     return ImageData.init;

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