Octal Prime Numbers (challenge)

Salih Dincer salihdb at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 27 13:24:07 UTC 2024

On Tuesday, 25 June 2024 at 06:44:28 UTC, Salih Dincer wrote:
> I'm not sharing the code for now because
> it's a challenge.

Since we couldn't get a code snippet, I'd like to share some 
framing code without answers:

struct SumPrimes(size_t size)
   import std.bigint;

   auto next = BigInt(1);
   auto power = BigInt(4);
   size_t index;

   auto empty() => index > size;
   auto front() => next + power;
   auto popFront()
     // ...

   for (auto p = SumPrimes!10(); !p.empty; p.popFront())
     auto n = p.front();
     if (n.isPrime)
       n.writef!"%11o: ";
       n.writeln(", ", p.index);

SDB at 79

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