SumType extraction

Josh Holtrop jholtrop at
Sat Jun 29 00:54:02 UTC 2024

On Friday, 28 June 2024 at 22:25:40 UTC, drug007 wrote:
> Both yes and no, you check the type once, but then check for 
> null, so a double check is performed nonetheless. But for me 
> it's a minor difference.
> There are two common ways to handle sumtypes: using either an 
> explicit type tag or implicit type handling. Both have their 
> pros and cons. As I know (can be wrong) std.sumtype implies 
> type handlers not type tags.

Ah, I see what you're saying. I suppose if performance was more 
important I would do this a different way. I'm mainly going for 
the more concise syntax for this application. Thanks!

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