Show dialog box for uncaught exception (Windows, lld-link)

SimonN eiderdaus at
Sun May 5 14:55:20 UTC 2024


for Windows, I link my executables with `lld-link`, whether for 
32-bit and 64-bit and whether I've built with LDC or DMD.

How can I generate a dialog box for uncaught exceptions that fly 
out of my executable's `main()`?

When I linked with Optlink years ago for Windows 32-bit, it 
generated an error dialog box for an uncaught exception. But with 
`lld-link`, the exception's message lands only on stderr. I 
didn't see anything related in `lld-link -help`. Can I configure 
DRuntime in a special way at runtime?

My application is a graphical game. I close stdout and stderr by 
passing `-subsystem:windows` to `lld-link` to suppress the extra 
console window. For a few fatal errors (missing required 
resources, can't open display, ...), I throw exceptions, log them 
to logfile, then re-throw them to crash. I can tell Windows users 
to look in the logfile, but it would be more fitting on Windows 
to show an error dialog box in addition to the logging.

-- Simon

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