Unexpected result with -betterC
crazymonkyyy at gmail.com
Sun Nov 3 19:47:31 UTC 2024
On Sunday, 3 November 2024 at 19:00:33 UTC, DLearner wrote:
> The two fragments below compiled and ran as expected using dmd
> -betterC under Windows.
> ```
> string Scrn = "OPO NAM='DspVar1' POS='1,1'
> VAR=('IntVar1','I');E";
> printf("\nWR_Createtest entered.\n");
> OpStructFstPtr = WR_CreateFormatFile(Scrn);
> ```
> ```
> OpStruct* WR_CreateFormatFile(string parm_Format) {
> import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
> import core.stdc.stdlib: malloc;
> OpStruct* FstOpStructPtr;
> if (parm_Format[0..3] == "OPO"[0..3]) {
> printf("OPO Found.\n");
> } else {
> printf("OPO NOT Found.\n");
> }
> if (parm_Format[$-1..$] == "E"[0..1]) {
> printf("E Found.\n");
> } else {
> printf("E NOT Found.\n");
> }
> ```
> However, the docs say dynamic arrays are not allowed with
> betterC, and 'string' implies a dynamic array.
> So I expected DMD to complain that my code was invalid.
> Any ideas?
Id expect this to fail, but nothing I see in yours
string foo="foo";
[]'s are both slices and dynamic arrays depending on use, theres
a debate about that decision(im of the opinion a `[?]` should be
a dynamic array and clean up the api), but the current situation
will only break on appends
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